GenD Featured Professional: Karlee Mason, N-ovation Technology Group (NTG)

Each month, we feature a young professional from Generation Dayton. These up-and-comers are already making a mark on the Gem City, so we’re sure this isn’t the last you’ll be seeing of them.

Name: Karlee Mason

Title: Marketing & Business Development Strategist  

Organization: N-ovation Technology Group (NTG)

Community Involvement (groups, clubs, boards, volunteer activities, etc.): I am involved with the Generation Dayton Steering Committee. Outside of my FT role with NTG, I work as the Chief Operating Officer for Picnk, a local meal prep business here in Dayton. During the pandemic, we partnered with many local organizations & non-profits to provide over 17,000+ free or reduced meals to the community and we have continued these efforts into 2021.

Hobbies and interests: I enjoy reading, exercising and trying local restaurants/bars. My favorite way to exercise is attending classes at my gym, CrossFit Skyfall in Springboro, where I also coach!

Favorite Area Eatery: Lucky’s Taproom & Eatery! My go-to meal is an Avocado & Goat Cheese BLT with Sweet Potato Fries. However, I attended a preview night at Sueno and it’s some of the best food I’ve ever had.

Favorite Weekend Activity in Dayton: Living in the Oregon District, I find myself venturing over to Out on 5th quit often on the weekends. I love supporting our cities local bars, restaurants and shops.

What do you love about Dayton? Once you step out and explore, you begin to realize how much Dayton really has to offer. We are a smaller city that offers amazing food, beverage, entertainment, parks and more. Not to mention – the people are incredibly inspiring! The City of Dayton is rapidly growing and I can’t wait to see the new innovations and developments to come.

How has Generation Dayton aided your professional, personal and/or social development? Gen D has provided me the opportunity to connect with other young professionals in the city but also meet some amazing individuals in the community through events each month. I enjoyed our virtual events but I am so happy we are back in-person!

Tell us a little more about your profession and company…  Since graduating college in 2017, I worked many leadership roles in the retail industry but after 5 years made a switch to work in Technology; at NTG I oversee all Digital Marketing efforts. N-ovation Technology Group is a managed service provider that has been implementing emerging technologies, worldwide, for Fortune 500 corporations, government agencies and non-profit organizations.

Favorite quote or inspirational saying: As an individual who has struggled with mental health illness for almost 10 years, one of my favorite quotes is “The best thing you could do is master the chaos in you. You are not thrown into the fire, you are the fire.”