The Dayton Area Logistics Association (DALA), a program of the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce, is a private sector business group that advocates for and supports logistics and distribution companies, their suppliers and support services in the Dayton region.

Location, location location!

The Dayton region is strategically situated in one of the most logistically advantageous locations in the world. A collection of multi-modal infrastructure points are located within three miles of each other including: the interchange of Interstates 70 & 75, the Dayton International Airport with a dedicated freight runway and on-site warehouse, a Foreign Trade Zone with tariff and duty exemptions, and a CSX Freight Rail Line, which is connected to the Toledo shipping port.

What we do

DALA provides a voice to businesses in the Dayton region that either work in the logistics industry, supply for the industry or simply have an interested in logistics-related issues. Your business does not have to work directly in the logistics field to join us! Whether it’s advocating for infrastructure funding, putting an end to restrictive legislation or workforce recruiting, DALA is dedicated to supporting the efficient movement of goods through our region.

Logistics Workforce

The Dayton Region has a vast labor pool capable of sustaining a large number of major distribution operations. The city and surrounding towns have a blue collar past, and its tradition of hardworking residents continues to this day. The Dayton Region has a higher than average concentration of households fitting the ideal characteristics for careers in distribution. 96,000 households within this demographic are within a 30-minute commute of an ideal site for a logistics operation near downtown Dayton, and over 240,000 such households are within a 60-minute commute of the site. These populations are expected to increase at a moderate rate over the coming years, meaning the Dayton region can continue to provide a qualified and sustainable distribution workforce for years to come.

Logistics and distribution is considered one of the top growing industries in the Dayton region, and is among the seven industries highlighted on our partner site, While there, you can read more about area employers, available occupations in this industry, and education resources in the Dayton area.






DALA membership is complimentary to Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce members. Once you’ve completed the application form, your DALA membership will automatically be added to your chamber account – no additional cost!



The reasons the Dayton region is so attractive to logistics, distribution and transportation businesses are simple and documented. Learn more about area features that make it easy for this sector to call Dayton home.



We are the only association in the Dayton region solely focused on the logistics industry. DALA speaks with one voice to ensure that we have the right infrastructure, and legislative and regulatory environment in the Dayton region.



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