Each month, we feature a young professional from Generation Dayton. These up-and-comers are already making a mark on the Gem City, so we’re sure this isn’t the last you’ll be seeing of them.

Name: Megan Dunn Peters

Title: Dayton Arcade Community Manager

Organization: Cross Street Partners

Community Involvement (groups, clubs, boards, volunteer activities, etc.): 

  • Board member, Collegiate Irish Dance Association (nationwide)
  • Dayton Chamber of Commerce Executive Women’s’ Council
  • Dayton Building Managers and Owners’ Association
  • Generation Dayton, of course!

Hobbies and interests: I have been involved in competitive Irish dancing since I was eight years old! I am a registered Irish dance teacher with Ireland-based organization CLRG. I teach classes at the Dwyer School of Irish Dance, located in Centerville, a couple times a week. I am a current member of Irish Dance Teachers’ Association of Mid-America and Irish Dance Teachers’ Association of North America. I travel with my dance students to many local, regional, national, and international competitions every year. My recent favorite trip was the North American Championships in Vancouver 2019!

Favorite Area Eatery: Old Scratch Pizza

Favorite Weekend Activity in Dayton: I love hanging around town with my husband, Matt! We bike on the Metroparks trails, go to breweries with my parents, and eat at local restaurants.

What do you love about Dayton? As a native Daytonian, I’m super passionate about helping to transform the city into a destination. Dayton has such an approachable vibe with something for everyone; art, music, food, craft beer, history and museums, great local retail, a phenomenal park system… The list goes on and on!

How has Generation Dayton aided your professional, personal and/or social development? Generation Dayton has given me the opportunity to network with other young professionals who are equally as passionate about the city and the possibilities it holds. It’s truly inspiring to see the important and necessary work that this generation is doing throughout Dayton

Tell us a little more about your profession and company… I am the Dayton Arcade Community Manager for Cross Street Partners, lead developer and landlord for the Dayton Arcade. In my capacity, I lead the property management team, assist with development, plan community programming, and run our social media and marketing efforts. Every day is full of something different!

Favorite quote or inspirational saying:

“To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift”