Much has been said recently about an emerging trade war for American products versus the imbalance of trade with other countries like China, the EU, Mexico and Canada.  Nationally, this could seem like a political hot potato. But that said, let me shar...
DAYTON, Ohio (June 2018) - The saga of marijuana use in Ohio just seems to never end. It seems a group, somewhat akin to the 2015 firmly defeated monopoly group, wants to try and again change Ohio’s constitution to allow for recreational use of mariju...
DAYTON, Ohio (May 2018) - The Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce has once again created, through the vision of its volunteer leaders, a new and unique personal and professional development initiative designed to advance women business leaders in our region.Â...
DAYTON, Ohio (April 2018) - This past week about 120 business and community leaders were in the nation’s capital for our annual Washington Fly-In. Our community has been encouraging our area leadership to attend this gathering for more than 30 years. I ...
DAYTON, Ohio (March 2018) - As many know or have seen or felt, we are on a much better trend as far as commercial and residential development versus past years. Our economy and use of tax reform opportunities have helped pave the way for even stronger inv...
DAYTON, Ohio (February 2018) - I’ve been blessed with opportunities to write and speak about our Dayton area workforce on numerous occasions.  We have a great workforce in our region; but not without its challenges. The Midwest boasts a strong work e...
DAYTON, Ohio (January 2018) - So how do you think the new, recently passed federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) signed into law this past December 22 and the fast-paced growth of the stock market will affect the American economy? Great? I think so. ...
DAYTON, Ohio (December 2017) - Recently, the city of Dayton announced it has formed a special task force to review the background, uses, finances and governing structure of the Dayton Convention Center. This task force, made up of a wide variety of commun...
DAYTON, Ohio (November 2017) - Congratulations to the region ? US 35 widening from I-675 west to Steve Whalen Blvd. has taken a great step forward to three lanes. The widening to three lanes from the Greene County line at I-675 toward downtown Dayton h...
DAYTON, Ohio (October 2017) - It seems Ohio, with its current rules on statewide ballot initiatives, is one of the easiest states in America to get something placed on its ballot. It seems if you have 3 million bucks to spend, you can basically hire a gro...