Category: Articles

How medical marijuana will affect your business’s safety procedures

Date: September 19, 2018 Category: Advocacy, Articles

It may be several months before the first dispensary opens its doors in the state of Ohio, but effective September 8, 2018, medical marijuana is legal here. Many member businesses have posed questions regarding how this change will affect their approach t...

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Fraudsters target call center chats & non-voice channels

Date: August 23, 2018 Category: Articles

According to, cybercrime targeting call centers and non-voice channels to obtain payment data more than doubled in 2017, jumping by 113% from the year before. Recently, call centers have become the primary customer-company interaction point, as...

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Supreme Court sides with American Express on merchant fees

Date: August 14, 2018 Category: Articles

Last month, the U.S. Supreme Court sided with American Express (Amex) on upholding a provision in its contract that prohibits merchants from persuading shoppers to use credit cards with lower fees. In a 5-4 ruling, the court held that the company’s anti...

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Ohio sales tax holiday questions answered

Date: July 30, 2018 Category: Articles

Chamber members in the retail industry are preparing for an influx of customers for Ohio’s 2018 Sales Tax Holiday. We've teamed with the Downtown Dayton Partnership to provide this overview of the holiday: Beginning at 12am on Friday, August 3 and en...

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6 Steps to Protect Your Business from ID Theft

Date: July 12, 2018 Category: Articles

For small- and mid-sized business owners, whose time and energies are dedicated to growing the company, data security often falls to the bottom of the list. But it shouldn’t. Protecting your business and your clients’ financial data is critical to ave...

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Chamber names volunteers of the quarter for first quarter 2018

Date: July 11, 2018 Category: Articles

Congratulations to our volunteers of the quarter for the first quarter of 2018! This quarter, we recognized the following volunteers (Pictured L-R): Ann Riegle-Crichton, Dayton Metro Library; David Bowman, The Ohlmann Group; Julia Hall, CareWorks Comp. ...

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Voice of Business: OSHA ‘hot’ over heat stress

Date: July 5, 2018 Category: Articles

With summer here, heat stress issues can rear their ugly head – not only on outdoor worksites but also in production facilities. Don’t be caught ill-prepared for an incident and a subsequent visit by OSHA – establish your heat stress program today. ...

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Payroll ‘true-up’ reports due soon

Date: July 3, 2018 Category: Articles

An important deadline is on the way for private businesses, and if missed, it could result in the loss of major savings on workers' compensation premiums. The Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation (BWC) requires that employers reconcile their actual pay...

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Chamber’s logistics group advocates for tax change; legislation now under consideration

Date: June 13, 2018 Category: Advocacy, Articles

UPDATE: June 26, 2018 -- Dayton Area Chamber Executive Vice President Chris Kershner presented testimony before the Ohio House Ways & Means Committee advocating for this bill. Read his testimony here.   ORIGINAL POST: June 13, 2018 -- In la...

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What young professional programs (like our own Generation Dayton) do for Dayton

Date: April 30, 2018 Category: Articles

In 2017, Millennials were documented as the largest generation of youth in history, and worldwide made up almost 50 percent of the global workforce, (Lovell,, 2017). How is Dayton capitalizing on this new talent? Attracting and retaini...

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