Category: Articles

Workers’ compensation health disparities in a post-COVID-19 environment

Date: September 24, 2020 Category: Articles Tags: , ,

By Don Lipsy, AVP, National Technical Compliance, Managed Care, Sedgwick The inarguable fact of COVID-19 is that the coronavirus itself has been an indiscriminate and equal-opportunity tragedy on a global scale. Women and men, young and old, across the...

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Chamber-backed Coronavirus immunity legislation signed into law

Date: September 14, 2020 Category: Advocacy, Articles Tags: , , ,

By: Holly Allen & Stephanie Keinath COLUMBUS, Ohio (September 14, 2020) - Governor Mike DeWine has signed into law legislation that will grant Ohio employers some immunity to lawsuits stemming from COVID-19 exposure. The Dayton Area Chamber of Com...

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Another BWC Billion Back Dividend Rebate Proposed

Date: September 9, 2020 Category: Articles Tags: , , ,

Governor DeWine has asked the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) Board of Directors to send up to $1.5 billion in dividend payments to Ohio employers this fall.  This dividend equals approximately 100% of the premiums paid in policy year 2019.  (Th...

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Credit card chargeback prevention tips

For merchants, chargebacks are a part of doing business when you accept credit cards. It can be costly, time-consuming, and stressful to sort through legitimate and illegitimate (fraudulent) charges. But there are steps that can be taken to prevent them i...

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A different way to approach diversity with your team

Date: August 27, 2020 Category: Articles Tags: ,

By: Glenn Sharp, Sharp Leadership Development How do we learn from what we are witnessing on the news? How can we take these hard lessons and apply them to improve our organization and team? First, let’s define what I mean by diversity. In the ne...

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Chamber names volunteers of the quarter for 2020 Q2

Date: August 20, 2020 Category: Articles Tags: ,

Congratulations to our volunteers of the quarter for the second quarter of 2020! This quarter, we virtually recognized these volunteers: (Pictured L-R): Dan McCabe, CareSource; Jessica Saunders, Dayton Children’s; Stacy M. Thompson, KeyBank; Miche...

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Merchants Deal with U.S. Coin Shortage

Date: August 3, 2020 Category: Articles

Submitted by: Chamber Partner Infintech As the coronavirus continues to impact the U.S., coins have become scarce as the virus lockdowns keep people from emptying their coin jars in exchange for paper bills. As a result, the country’s coin supply is...

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Labor Law and COVID Hot Topics

Date: July 30, 2020 Category: Articles

ADA Compliance, Employee Travel, and Requests for Leave Due to School or Childcare Closures Submitted by: Benjamin A. Mazer, Esq., Coolidge Wall Co. LPA Marc L. Fleischauer, Esq., Coolidge Wall Co. LPA The COVID pandemic presents plenty of pitfalls...

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Payment Solutions to Protect Your Business During COVID-19

Date: July 22, 2020 Category: Articles

Submitted by: Chamber Partner Infintech Many industries including fitness, healthcare, and restaurants have had to shift their business models to keep revenue coming in and customer loyalty high during COVID-19. With the country continuing to re-open,...

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B2B Experiencing Digital Payments Transformation

Submitted by: Chamber Partner Infintech Corporations are venturing into the opportunity to digitize and modernize like never before. COVID-19 has pushed B2B industries into remote working environments and has provided a slowdown that has companies focu...

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