Category: Articles

Voice of Business: U.S. Manufacturers shift to make PPE

Submitted By: Infintech During the pandemic, the U.S. has been scrambling to secure enough face masks, goggles, plastic gowns, and other personal protective equipment (PPE) to keep frontline workers safe. This gear creates barriers between individual...

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DACC & Member companies support declarations denoting racism a public health crisis

Date: June 22, 2020 Category: Articles

The Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce believes strongly in the role the business community can play in fighting racism and encouraging diversity, equity and inclusion. The chamber released the following statement, and has asked chamber member businesses to ...

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Chamber Names Volunteers of the Quarter for First Quarter of 2020

Date: June 10, 2020 Category: Articles Tags: ,

Congratulations to our volunteers of the quarter for the first quarter of 2020! This quarter, we virtually recognized the following volunteers (Pictured L-R): Marshall Weil, YWCA; Carlina Figueroa, Sinclair Community College; Kelley Bell, Saxon Financ...

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7 Shopping Habits Changed by COVID-19

Date: May 29, 2020 Category: Articles

People worldwide have been sheltering in place for months while they ride out COVID-19. Daily life as changed drastically in that time with remote working and learning, virtual visits with loved ones, online shopping, and digital fitness apps becoming the...

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Workplace safety during COVID-19: Now & Next

Date: May 22, 2020 Category: Articles

Article submitted by: Gary Auman; Auman, Mahan & Furry While we continue to hear about the Coronavirus every day, even on weekends, it is important that we distill down the myriad of information into a usable form. I would like to take this opportu...

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Tips for reactivating water in idle buildings

Date: May 4, 2020 Category: Articles

After several weeks under the stay-at-home order, buildings that had been idle or underutilized for a time will be reopening. According to the Dayton Water Department, it’s important to remember to flush the stagnant water from all devices, faucets, and...

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Contactless Payments Can Boost Retail Industry

Date: April 30, 2020 Category: Articles

Article submitted by chamber partner Infintech. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced Americans to change their behavior in order to protect their communities, loved ones, and themselves. Increasingly, consumers are relying on technology, such as contactles...

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Voice of Business: Business Insurance FAQs during COVID-19

Date: April 22, 2020 Category: Articles

The COVID-19 pandemic has left many Dayton area businesses scrambling to figure out how to make up for lost revenue, and what their business models will look like on the other side. They've been forced to quickly become experts on unemployment, financial ...

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Sole proprietors can now join the SOCA Benefit Plan

Date: April 17, 2020 Category: Articles

Anthem, the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Southern Ohio Chamber Alliance (SOCA) are pleased to announce that the SOCA Benefit Plan is making room for sole proprietors. They can enroll in the plan starting July 1, 2020. The broker community h...

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Coronavirus Resource Guide for Businesses

Date: March 9, 2020 Category: Articles

(Updated 1/21/2021) - This page was used as a way to provide timely information to our member businesses during the start of the pandemic. While the information that is deemed continually useful has remained, this page is no longer being updated, and all ...

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